Friday, October 17, 2008

Shorkie Puppies

Shorkie Puppies are now one the #1 requested puppies here in the USA snd Canada. tHEY ARE NOT JUST A MIXED BREED ANYMORE.

Official Shorkie Puppies are moving forward in the direction of one day becoming a breed!
Shorkie Puppies Mission Statement
As Founder of the Shorkie Breed here in the USA and Shorkie Club Of America Priceless pups is here to:
Preserve and improve Shorkie Puppies lives throughout the world. Assist Shorkie breeders in achieving the highest potential in their shorkie breeding programs by creating a registry that is dedicated solely for the development of Shorkie Puppies. Requiring all shorkie breeders to provide genetic testing on the Adults they are breeding.
Help Shorkie puppy parents to be responsible Shorkie puppy owners This is to be achieved by making a positive difference to their knowledge base of what Shorkie puppies are and what we believe Shorkie puppy breeding practices should be. The way to achieve this is to provide education, support and to show how a standard of excellence in Shorkie breeding, Shorkie ownership and Shorkie puppy care is achievable
We are here promote the public awareness through The Official Shorkie Club Of America to Shorkie breeders, and Shorkie puppy owners alike through public relations and education throughout the community of dog lovers everywhere.
By using the Shorkie Club Of America as a Guideline for adopting a Shorkie Puppy you will be able to know you are promoting healthy and ethical breeding practices. We only accept home breeders and do not allow Kennels in the Shorkie Club Of America. All Shorkie Club breeders are home inspected by a licensed vet to ensure this for our puppy parents.

If you are a shorkie breeder or shorkie puppy parent tell us your story!